вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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My semestral break is coming up soon, and�Iapos;m finally about to�get my much-needed rest, but before that, I must go through my oh-so-hellish midterms once again. Midterms arenapos;t really bad; I enjoy it sometimes, in fact. You get to go home early and if youapos;ve studied ahead of time, you can just use whatever free time you have left to laze around.

But right now, lazing around is the last thing on my mind.

Tomorrowapos;s scheduled tests are Social Studies and English.�English is fine; I�already studied for it and the lessons are relatively easy to master. Itapos;s Social Studies thatapos;s the problem.

During every single Social Studies class I took, I did absolutely nothing but try my best not to look bored so my teacher wonapos;t suspect I wasnapos;t listening (but�I really wasnapos;t ahahaha).

Oh well, now my laziness has finally taken its toll on poor apos;ol moi; I have no notes and my book is ... Somewhere around here. So anyway, my good friend Gianna made a reviewer and now I�felt that I was finally saved... Only to find out that I just couldnapos;t get a single word of the reviewer in my head if I was just reading it out of my laptop monitor (as usual). I need the reviewer in paper so I can read it through while pacing around the balcony; for some reason that really helps.

So what am I�doing now? Well, Iapos;m rewriting my friends 9-page reviewer in a spare notebook so I can finally get SOMETHING�in my head.

Not only that, I�have a cut in my right thumb and it throbs slightly when�I�put pressure on it, so writing stuff down is so freaking annoying.

Iapos;m tired and I�just want to get this test over with.

I�hate Social Studies. I�donapos;t do bad at it at all, but still, I HATE IT.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cayene peppers

Out of all the days of the week, I hate Sundays the most.
Every week, waking up before 11am on a Sunday is prohibited by my bio-clock, getting up so late leaves me in that mentally-paralysed state of extreme lazy boredem where I�know I have absolutely loads of things I could be doing: Important coursework, learning C++, working on building my game, learning A-Level Maths and Physics or even wasting time playing games. I just canapos;t be bothered to do ANYTHING today.
Everyone else seems to be in the same state, as Chris and I are reduced to wandering around the house seeing what everyone else is doing;
Iapos;ve refreshed all the regular sites atleast a dozen times over, checked my email about four times in the last ten minutes and successfully read a paragraph of a book.

Roll on Monday.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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For months and months and months Iapos;ve been trying to get a stray cat comfortable enough to allow me to pet it. The cat was abandoned by a next door neighbor damn over a year ago and since that time has been extremely skittish. A month or so ago, this cat started appearing near my back door or on the steps leading to my back door but would always run away whenever I approached. I had started feeding this orange cat (which I named Orange Kitty) and so the supply of food attracted the stray (which I will now call Stray Kitty).

This evening, I opened my back door as I waited for a pot of coffee to finish and there is Stray Kitty. Cid, the Ambassador between Kitty World and Human World rushed out and introduced himself. Stray Kitty dared to walk a little closer to me so I grabbed some food which Stray Kitty took eagerly. After a minute, I held out my hand and Stray Kitty didnapos;t run off. Stray Kitty allowed me to pet his head and back. He seemed to like the attention. Iapos;m assuming he hasnapos;t received any kind of affection from a human for some time.

So, what have we learned?
Perseverance and patience pays off in the end?
The way to anyoneapos;s heart is through the stomach?
Love conquers all?

Hell NO

We learn that I have no life. Honestly, though, Iapos;m very pleased with the successful outcome.

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area segment

I was walking yesterday. Just walking back from class and I happened to look down at my feet. At that moment I thought:�"Am I alone?"

This is what happened next. I canapos;t explain it any better than the thoughts that went through my head. They made me so happy that I hope they make you (any and everyone who reads this) feel just a little bit of what I did.

"Am I alone?
Am I the only one who has walked these steps, tread this path?
No. I am not.
A million pairs of feet have walked these steps. Every shoe different in colour, size, shape, age.
Iapos;m sure someone a 100 years ago asked this very same question. Am I alone?
No. I am with you.
Every step I take I walk with everyone who lived before me and everyone who will live after me. I will never meet them but I know them because weapos;ve walked the same path, different shoes, different times, different emotions guiding us but we walked these same steps, this path.
I am never alone.
Neither are you. "

So, I guess the lesson is that if you feel lonely go for a walk outside. Your city, your country home, your anywhere and look at your feet. Know that sometime in the past or sometime in the future someone else will look down at their feet and feel what you feel. Know then you are never alone. Never.

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A new ad by Democratic sheriff's candidate Scott Israel tries to link Republican� Sheriff Al Lamberti to President George Bush and Richard Nixon fan and political operative Roger Stone.

"Democratic voter alert,'' starts the television ad paid for by Israel. "The Republican dirty tricks machine from Washington has come to the Broward sheriff's race to help Al Lamberti. ...� Al Lamberti sold his soul to the Bush hatchetman.''

The ad doesn't name Stone but it refers to the wellknown consultant who was part of the "Brooks Brothers'' riot of east coast preppies who shut down the Miami-Dade recount in 2000.

Stone said he gave advice to others who created ads in the Democratic primary that poked fun of Israel for previously being a Republican. In the ads, a fake Nixon and other Republicans praised Israel. The Democrat ultimately won the five-way primary after weathering criticism about switching parties last year.

Stone gave Lamberti a $500 donation in September and some advice early in the race that he would face an uphill battle as a Republican running in a Democratic county in a presidential election year. But Stone and Lamberti say that Stone isn't involved now.

Stone says he is ''honored and flattered'' by the ad. He says if he was involved Lamberti would win.

"We have a presidential election in three weeks, you really think I am worrying about the Broward sheriff's race?'' Stone said.

Lamberti said he thinks the ad is a stretch to try to link him to other Republicans. He says Israel has been more involved in the Republican Party than himself. "I have never been a member of the Republican Executive Committee,'' Lamberti said. "He has.''

The ad is part of Israel's strategy to tap into voters' discontent with the Republicans. Broward has twice as many registered Democrats as Republicans and a massive turnout of Barack Obama supporters poses a challenge to Lamberti to win crossover voters.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

couch potato to 5k

splay charts and maps
out on the floor
pretend youapos;ve never
been here before
10-2 arm formation
gripping table legs
for safetyapos;s sake
meanwhile the clock has bled
any chance
of romance dead

a longer way home
before fingernail shortcuts
hardened leather back
and cracking yellow spine

you read like a book.

I hate:

Losing to a flush on the river two weeks in a row
being too old to act unassuming anymore.

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angeles los party princess

While watching the beginning of Grey's earlier, I was IMing with my BFF. I was explaining how I really can't stand Meredith. I mean, I know it's technically her show and all but she really bugs me. I cant even find the space in my brain to have any compassion (does that make me a total bitch?). Anyhoo, I joked that we should just be calling it "Yang's Anatomy". Seriously. Or even "Bailey's Anatomy" - I won't provide any spoilers (in case you haven't seen it yet), but Bailey gives a monolog that had me laughing my ass off.

Are you a Grey's Yang's watcher? If so, who are your faves (or not)??


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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.


�hehs. Surprisingly i didnt MIA�. :x . Heh . So i went to sleep at 5 ._. . Yeas. Then i woke up at 8 . Cos jianyong called me ==apos; . So i was like " uhhh . Yahhhhh ==apos; " then i woke up 9. I sms him. That i woke up . So he call then i was like " uhhhhya.." lmaos. So went back to slp 12pm luhs . "�HEH��JY��I�JUST�WOKE�UP��" lmaos. Tired uh. Heh . So next few days no sch . Psle marking . So its gnna be very bored . I dont know . Maybe iapos;m gonna change to live journal . PERMENANTLY�. I think iapos;d do that . Yeahs �(: . Heh . Cos . Itapos;s like . Much better then blogger?

i donapos;t know . Iapos;m running out of topics . I used to be those kind of people who is damn high . Has to say alot. Heh .

sayonara blogger �hello LiveJournal��(: .

and i just chnged my blog link ytd ==apos; lols. Ohkay . Im Bored. X:

Yea. My maid. Say she wanted to check if i did chnge my pad. She is like so damn pervertic okay . ==apos; she doesnt believe lahs . I hate her. She is pervertic . She always have to see if i chnge my pad. Eew luhs. I chnge nvr chnge her prob meh ==apos; lols. She like to charge in when i bathing and has to see those parts . I hate her can
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Words that come to mind are: victory, battle, giants, mountains, heroes, conquer, perseverance .

Iapos;m talking about the situation you find yourself in when your mind *and* body say NO but doing it anyway.

It is one thing to overcome your negative voices, your fears and excuses and quite another to overcome your bodyapos;s natural signs and symptoms of extreme stress.

It is a test of courage.

During my training days with Aly I push myself hard enough that I become light-headed, neaseous, my lungs burn and of course, my muscles turn to mush.
My body is under incredible stress and my brain doesnapos;t interpret it as "good" yet just "how the fuck to I get out of this hell".
At first, before my sessions, I would start to physically panic. I couldnapos;t believe it
(I would like to know how closely these reactions resemble physical distress in a negative connotation. For instance, am I physiologically reacting the same way at the gym as I would in a fight?)

But now I donapos;t and this is exactly why I keep at it, because if I stop now then this is how far I can go and itapos;s not far enough.

If I stop at 5 push-ups I wonapos;t ever be able to do 10.

If I stop when my heart starts pounding and my skin becomes slick with sweat I will never have the strength to survive even a slight cardio infarction much less have the stamina to run for the bus if Iapos;m late.

If I stop now what else will I give up on?

I did stop, I stopped saying I canapos;t, I canapos;t because I CAN and I will......but it wonapos;t be pretty ;)

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