суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

area segment

I was walking yesterday. Just walking back from class and I happened to look down at my feet. At that moment I thought:�"Am I alone?"

This is what happened next. I canapos;t explain it any better than the thoughts that went through my head. They made me so happy that I hope they make you (any and everyone who reads this) feel just a little bit of what I did.

"Am I alone?
Am I the only one who has walked these steps, tread this path?
No. I am not.
A million pairs of feet have walked these steps. Every shoe different in colour, size, shape, age.
Iapos;m sure someone a 100 years ago asked this very same question. Am I alone?
No. I am with you.
Every step I take I walk with everyone who lived before me and everyone who will live after me. I will never meet them but I know them because weapos;ve walked the same path, different shoes, different times, different emotions guiding us but we walked these same steps, this path.
I am never alone.
Neither are you. "

So, I guess the lesson is that if you feel lonely go for a walk outside. Your city, your country home, your anywhere and look at your feet. Know that sometime in the past or sometime in the future someone else will look down at their feet and feel what you feel. Know then you are never alone. Never.

cloudsat launch, area segment, area sector geometry, area sector formula, area sector circular, area sector circle.

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