воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cayene peppers

Out of all the days of the week, I hate Sundays the most.
Every week, waking up before 11am on a Sunday is prohibited by my bio-clock, getting up so late leaves me in that mentally-paralysed state of extreme lazy boredem where I�know I have absolutely loads of things I could be doing: Important coursework, learning C++, working on building my game, learning A-Level Maths and Physics or even wasting time playing games. I just canapos;t be bothered to do ANYTHING today.
Everyone else seems to be in the same state, as Chris and I are reduced to wandering around the house seeing what everyone else is doing;
Iapos;ve refreshed all the regular sites atleast a dozen times over, checked my email about four times in the last ten minutes and successfully read a paragraph of a book.

Roll on Monday.

costa ricas economy, cayene peppers, cayene pepper health, cayene pepper capsules, cayene pepper, cayene peper.

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